Education Programs

We are here to support our BCEA members through education.

This is not limited to, but includes Spring Clinics, Regional clinics, Winter Education, Online Content, Officials or Coaches Education and more. We strive to create quality opportunities for our members from year to year.

Announcement:  Forms available below – Johvale Spring Clinic May 9-11, 2025. Regular clinic plus Intro to Eventing

Educational Clinic Series

Spring Clinic Schedule


BC Eventing Education Committee is pleased to present our Spring Clinic in 2025 at Johvale, Pritchard BC. 

Dates are May 09 to 11 (Friday to Sunday).

We will again offer both the Regular and Introduction to Eventing clinics.

All of the forms are fillable.  Please ensure that your entry is complete and the fee is included before submitting.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Clinic Participant Important Information

Johvale REGULAR Clinic Application 2025

Johvale INTRO Clinic Application 2025

Over Age of Majority Waiver BCEA & Venue

Under Age of Majority Waiver BCEA & Venue

Travel Subsidy Application 2025

BCEA Clinic Code of Conduct

Clinic Times and Groups  (will add after entries close)

Final Participant Information 2025  (will add after entries close)


Additonal Info

Attention: Johvale Clinic Participants:

There will be both the Regular Clinic ($390 + $100 stabling) and Intro to Eventing clinic ($300 + $100 stabling).

Clinicians: Barb Crabo (5* rider now based in North Carolina. 4Peaks Farm, was a clinician at Johvale Spring clinic in 2018.

BC Clinicians: Maeve Drew, Chelan Kozak, Leahona Rowland, Brandy Saunders, Sara Sellmer and Melissa Reimche (if entries warrant).

Pace and Dressage (Sarah Bradley, dressage clinician) will begin on Thursday, May 8th at an extra cost.

Watch for more detailed information and entry forms near the beginning of March.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the BCEA clinics?

The BCEA clinics (all levels) are 2 or 3 days of cross-country instruction with warm up in stadium. The length of time spent in stadium instruction is decided by clinicians, based on competency level of participants.

  • What level of experience do my horse and I need to have?

To participate in the Riding Education Clinics, riders need to be prepared to ride out of an arena in a group over uneven terrain. The REGULAR clinic is open to all BCEA members (regular and non-competitive supporting members) regardless of age or level of competition.

  • What is Introduction to Eventing?

Riders from any discipline who have not competed in more than 2 Starter divisions at Horse Trials, are invited to participate in the INTRODUCTION TO EVENTING clinic. Some exceptions may be considered for those just returning to riding after many years absence.

  • When will a clinic be held?

The next clinic is in May 2025.

  • Where will the clinics be?

Since 2022, we have held one large clinic annually in the Interior.  In 2025, the clinic will be at Johvale in Pritchard, BC. (near Kamloops).

  • Who will teach the clinic?

Generally,  one upper level, out of Province clinician is selected for each area with a selection of BC’s many top-level coaches rounding out the Educational opportunities.

  • How much will the clinic cost?

Cost of the clinics is kept as affordable as possible based on expenses including, but not limited to, venue and clinicians. The clinics are not meant to be a source of profit for BCEA.

  • How can I register for the clinic?

Once dates, locations and clinicians have been confirmed applications and clinic details will be posted on this website as well as the BC Eventing social media outlets.

  • Are the lessons private or group?

The lessons are group with a limit of 4 to each 1 ½ hour lesson.

  • Do I need to be a member?

To participate in the BCEA clinic series, all REGULAR and INTRODUCTION TO EVENTING riders must obtain either a Full or Non-Competitive Supporting Membership for BCEA. Please go to our Membership page to get your BCEA membership.

Horse Council membership (or other province equivalent) is mandatory for all riders at all levels.

Resources & Links